Classroom Teacher - Stamford Public Schools
Position: Classroom Teacher
Subject Area: Special Education
Job Title: IEP Compliance Support Teacher (2024-2025 School Year)
Job Location: Stamford Public Schools
Beginning: Aug 24, 2024
Deadline: Dec 31, 2024**
Certificate: Other Certificate
District: Stamford Public Schools
Stamford, CT 06904
Telephone: 203-977-5903
Job Description:
The IEP Compliance Support Teacher serves as the central office liaison to the Individual Education Plan Team in their schools.  The focus of this position is to ensure compliance with federal, state and local requirements as they relate to identification, IEP development and programming for identified students. The IEP Compliance Support Teacher reports to the central office special education administrator who will be assigned at the beginning of the school year.  

  • Assists in weekly IEP meetings regarding IEP development, IEP implementation and follow through with weekly special education issues.
  • Assists with data issues associated with IEP Direct and collaborate with the clerical person to make sure meetings are scheduled in a timely fashion.
  • Assists in implementation of guidelines and procedures associated with the IEP process.
  • Assists in special education data collection for state reporting.
  • Support data collection and assist schools in monitoring and making instructional adjustments for identified students when appropriate.
  • Collaborates/assists with staff regarding IEP development, accommodations and modifications relevant to special education and general education.
  • Act as liaison between general and special education teachers and the central office Special Education Administrative Staff.
  • Coordinates referrals to special education, referrals for alternative assessments and alternative learning programs.
  • Communicates with community agencies, such as; DMR, DCF, Child Guidance, etc.
  • Coordinates/assists in implementing transition planning for identified students moving from grades 5 to 6 and grades 8 to 9.
  • Acts as liaison with building administrators and central administration.
  • Works in conjunction with central office and attorneys regarding legal cases.
  • Performs other duties as appropriate to the position as requested by the assigned central office special education administrator.
  • Current Connecticut Special Education or related services certification.
  • Minimum five (5) years experience in special education or related services teaching and successful teaching experience in the appropriate grade level of their assignment.
  • Experience in design and implementation of programs in the area of specialized instruction and inclusive best practices.
  • Demonstrated up-to-date familiarity with developments and trends in special education, student support services, and inclusive best practices.
  • Familiarity with national, state, and local curriculum standards and framework.
  • Demonstrated experience in utilizing research-based instructional strategies.
  • Demonstrated experience in aligning current curriculum standards.
  • Experience in writing standards-based individualized educational plans ( IEP).
  • Demonstrated quality leadership ability through past performance.
  • Demonstrated capacity to work well with others.
  • Demonstrated ability to analyze standardized and criterion-based assessments and relate them to IEP goals.
  • Superior communication skills (oral and written).
  • High standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity.
  • Expertise in utilization and implementation of IEP Direct.
  • Have clear understanding of federal and state special education laws.
  • Knowledge of and/or demonstrate the ability to learn and implement Operating Systems (i.e. Windows); Office suites (i.e. Microsoft Office, Google Docs); Presentation Software (i.e. PowerPoint, Keynote); Spreadsheets (i.e. Excel, Google Spreadsheets); Communication and Collaboration tools (i.e. Skype); Accounting Software (i.e. QuickBooks); Student Information Systems (i.e. Naviance, Power School); or any other technology deemed relevant for this position.

Stamford Education Association (SEA)
Three years
$50,684 to $123,992
Step Placement is based on education and experience as outlined in Article 4 (D) of the Stamford Education Associate (SEA) Contract.

To view the full posting and apply online, visit:

** District reserves the right to close any Job Posting when a suitable applicant has been found before the deadline date.