Classroom Teacher - Stamford Public Schools
Position: Classroom Teacher
Subject Area: English as a Second Language (ESL)
Job Title: English Learner (EL) Teacher (2024-2025 School Year)
Job Location: Stamford Public Schools
Beginning: Aug 24, 2024
Deadline: Dec 31, 2024**
Certificate: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages PreK-12 111
District: Stamford Public Schools
Stamford, CT 06904
Telephone: 203-977-5903
Job Description:
General Statement:
The Connecticut State Board of Education (CSBE) believes that high-quality, comprehensive and effective English as a Second Language (ESL) and bilingual education programs are essential to acquire English language proficiency and academic proficiency for students who are English Learners (ELs).  EL teachers work under Section 10-17e(3) of the C.G.S. This statute defines  an ESL program as "a program that uses only English as the instructional language for eligible students and enables such students to achieve English proficiency and academic mastery of subject matter content and higher order skills, including critical thinking, so as to meet appropriate grade promotion and graduation requirements."
EL teachers are specially trained instructors who teach individuals who are not native speakers of English. In Stamford, an EL teacher may work with students qualifying for bilingual or English as a Second Language (ESL) services. EL teachers work to make the core curriculum comprehensible for ELs while building language proficiency in English. EL teachers work primarily providing direct services, such as ESL instruction, but may provide indirect services, such as consultation with classroom teachers and push-in to mainstream classrooms, to eligible students who have proficiencies ranging from scale of 1-5 on the LAS. The primary role of the EL teacher is to enable eligible students to access academic curriculum and gain linguistic proficiency in English.
Educational programs for ELs are regulated by the Every Student Succeeds Act, Title I and Title III. The EL teacher receives supervision from building administration and technical supervision and assistance from the Coordinator of English Learners (EL).
Major Responsibilities:
  • Provide instruction for students who are eligible to receive EL services
  • Make accommodations to curriculum so that content is accessible for ELs
  • Follow a push-in or pull-out model to meet service requirements and to best service students
  • Provide expertise to building principals and Coordinator of EL for planning and implementing programs which address the needs and abilities of the identified EL student population
  • Maintain appropriate documents on assessment of ELs
  • Consult with classroom teachers as appropriate to support access to curriculum and instruction
  • Check in with academic subject area teachers to ensure that ELs are doing well in content area classes
  • Provide strategies to content area teachers on how to successfully include ELs at higher linguistic levels
  • Act as a resource to teachers of EL eligible students in developing differentiated strategies for students with limited proficiency in English
  • Collaborate to support EL students identified as needing additional support on the EL Monitoring Report
  • Assist in the annual assessment of identified EL students as mandated by State and Federal statutes
  • Communicate with parents/guardians of EL students
  • Assist the Coordinator of EL in maintaining records and reports as requested by local, state or federal agencies
  • Work with building administration to develop reasonable schedules for servicing students
  • Performs additional duties as assigned

  • CT CSDE certification endorsed for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), PK–12 (111)
  • Experience working with EL students preferred
  • Demonstrated excellence in teaching
  • Superior organizational skills
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively with administrators, teachers, parents and students
  • Superior communication skills (oral and written)
  • Knowledge of and/or demonstrate the ability to learn and implement Operating Systems (i.e. Windows); Office suites (i.e. Microsoft Office, Google Docs); Presentation Software (i.e. PowerPoint, Keynote); Spreadsheets (i.e. Excel, Google Spreadsheets); Communication and Collaboration tools (i.e. Skype); Accounting Software (i.e. QuickBooks); Student Information Systems (i.e. Naviance, Power School); or any other technology deemed relevant for this position.
Board Approved 05.22.2012
Revised 4/2020: Board Approved April 28, 2020

$50,684 to $123,992
Step Placement is based on education and experience as outlined in Article 4 (D) of the Stamford Education Associate (SEA) Contract.

To view the full posting and apply online, visit:

** District reserves the right to close any Job Posting when a suitable applicant has been found before the deadline date.